Life Source Chiropractic Blog Articles

5 Ways To Treat Headaches Naturally

Nothing destroys someone’s day or ability to enjoy their day more than a headache or migraine.  Being able to think clearly and calmly allows us ...
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CHIROPRACTIC ADJUSTMENTS HELP REDUCE INFLAMMATORY AGENTS The primary purpose of chiropractic care is to realign the vertebrae in your spine to reduce pressure on the ...
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3 Minute Work Break Stretching Exercises

Increased tech usage on devices such as phones, tablets, and computers, coupled with long hours of sitting or looking down, has created poor posture. Poor ...
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How To Treat A Spinal Disc Bulge

The Bad News: You’ve suffered a disc bulge, and it’s causing severe pain. Do you need an injection or surgery? What type of doctor should ...
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Two Tips For A Healthy Spine From An Omaha Chiropractor

Hydration and Motion are two main factors that determine whether or not you will have a healthy spine. Pain or symptoms only come after you ...
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Posture Correction Exercises

  What is posture? Posture is the position in which we hold our bodies while standing, sitting, or lying down. Good posture is the correct ...
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